Lesbian cinema (https://homosaurus.org/v3/homoit0002328)

Lesbian cinema
Term that encompasses lesbian filmmaking, the lesbian film industry, and film as an art form within lesbian culture. For specific movies created by or representing lesbians, use the term "Lesbian films."
2022-11-15 21:10:12 UTC
2022-11-15 21:10:12 UTC

पदानुक्रम प्रदर्शन

LGBTQ+ cinema
Lesbian cinema
Lesbian films

अन्य प्रारूप (भाषा पहचानकर्ता सहित): N-Triples, JSON-LD, Extended JSON, TTL, XML, MARC XML

विरासत प्रारूप (भाषा पहचानकर्ता के बिना) N-Triples, JSON-LD, TTL